Imprint / Legal Notice

Supplier’s identifier

DEUSA International GmbH
Nordhäuser Str. 2
DE-99752 Bleicherode

Fon: +49 36338 67 - 0

Represented by:
Peter C.G. Davids, PhD. | Managing Director (CEO)
Matthias Schmidt | Managing Director

Chairman of the Supervisory Board:
Prof. Dr. Thomas Bauer

Registration Court: Jena (HRB 405310)

VAT Identification Number according to §27 a Sales Tax Law:
Ust-IdNr. DE 206681715


Party responsible with regards to contents according to
§ 55 Abs. 2 RStV:

DEUSA International GmbH (Address as above)

Exclusion from liability:
Our offer contains links to external web pages of third parties, on whose contents we have no influence. For that reason we cannot give any guarantee for such contents. For the contents of such linked pages only the respective supplier or operating company are responsible. At the time of linking the linked pages were checked for possible violations of law. Unlawful contents were not recognizable at the time of linking. A permanent control of linked pages with regards to contents is however not reasonable without actual evidence of any violations of law. Once any violations of law become known to us such links will be removed by us immediately.

Data protection

As far as person related data will be asked for on our pages (like for example name, address or e-mail addresses), this is done as far as possible on a voluntary basis. The use of
offers and services is, as far as possible, always possible without giving details of person related data. The use of contact data published within the framework of the imprint
obligation by third parties of sending not expressly requested advertising and information materials is hereby expressly contradicted. The operators of pages expressly reserve the right of legal steps in case of unsolicited sending of advertising information, like for example spam mails,( source: legal advice of lawyer Sören Siebert ). Person related data will on this web page only be asked for in a technical necessary extent. Never will the asked for data sold or for other reasons be passed on to third parties. The following declaration outlines how we guarantee this protection and which sort of data will be asked for which purpose.

Data processing on this Internet page
DEUSA International GmbH as ked for and stores automatically in your server log files information which your browser forwards to us.

These are:
Type of browser/ -version
Used operating system
URL (page visited before)
Host name of accessing computer (IP address)
Time specification of server request.

These data are for DEUSA International GmbH not allowing arbitrary allocation to definite persons. A pooling with other data sources will not be carried out and moreover the data will be deleted after a statistical evaluation.

Right to be informed
Your are entitled at any time to ask for information regarding stored data of your person, its origin and receiver as well as purpose of storage. Information about stored data is given by the data protection officer. (Stefanie Michael, address as above)

Further information
Your confidence is important to us. That’s why we like to explain ourselve to you with regards to the processing of your person related data. If you have questions which this data protection declaration could not answer or if you wish further information to a particular item please get in touch with our data protection officer at any time. (Stefanie Michael, address as above)

Legally validity of this exclusion of liability
This exclusion of liability is to be considered as part of the Internet offer from where it had been referred to this page. As far as parts or single formulations of this text do not, not anymore or not fully agree with the existing legal status, the remaining parts of the document remain unaffected with regards to their contents and validity.

Liability for contents
Contents of our pages have been drawn up by highest care. Accuracy, completeness and relevance we can however not guarantee. As service provider we are according to article 6 paragraph 1 MDStV and article 8 paragraph 1 TDG responsible for own contents on these pages as per general laws. Service providers are however not obliged to check on sent or stored outside information or to search for circumstances pointing out to an unlawful activity. Obligations for a removal or blocking of use of information remain unaffected according to the general laws. A liability in this respect is however only possible from the moment of knowledge of an actual violation of law. Once any violations of law become known to us these contents will be removed by us immediately.

The operators of pages take care to always pay attention to copyrights of others respectively to fall back on self-drawn up as well as licence free works. Contents and works on these pages drawn up by the page operators are subject to the German copyright law. Contributions of third parties are marked as such. Duplications, handling, circulation and any kind of use outside the limits of the copyright law require the written consent of the respective author or creator. Downloads and copies of this page are only allowed for private but not commercial use.